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Healing Harbor Services

Our Healing Harbor Services is a state mandated court diversion program offering free case management, family engagement and crisis counseling services to Ocean County youth up to 18 years old.
Ocean’s Harbor House provides shelter, support, and services for vulnerable youth, enabling them to unlock their potential by learning skills that empower them to build successful lives, relationships, and futures.

Free Counseling for Ocean County Residents

Healing Harbor Services is a county funded program within Ocean's Harbor House, offering free counseling and case management services to Ocean County residents. Our counselors are trained and qualified to intervene in family crises, working with juveniles ages 10 to 18 years old and their families.

Healing Harbor Services aims to divert cases involving juvenile family crises from the courts by providing our families with the counseling, case management, and referral assistance needed to stabilize the immediate family crisis. Our counselors work to maintain a network of services and county agencies including police, schools, physicians, substance abuse services, and other juvenile agencies to coordinate services for our families.

Court approved, out-of-home placements are for extreme circumstances and require the Healing Harbor Services office to prove that all other community resources have been exhausted before being presented in front of the judge.

Please call (732) 240-3638 or (732) 240-3693 for more information.

Individual, sibling, and family counseling
24 Hour on-call services for families in crisis
Case management and referrals
On and off site services including crisis management at schools, police stations, and in-home
Court referrals in coordination with Juvenile/Family Court Intake after all FCIU and community services have been exhausted

All services are free, voluntary, and confidential. All staff are vetted and professionally trained to work with youth at risk.

Anyone can refer a family.

Not an Ocean County resident? Refer to the state to find counseling resources

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