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Safe today,
empowered tomorrow.
Inspiring New Chapters, A Former Resident's Story
"I used to stay at harbor house, 3 separate times actually, and I just want to let you guys know how I'm doing. It was 6 maybe 7 years ago so whoever has been around that long please pass this message to them. I miss you guys, a lot has changed recently. I am now married, on a deployment out in Afghanistan, have a puppy, and am doing really well. My little brother Aaron actually left for the navy not long ago himself. If we had postcards you know I would send one, I really hope you are all doing well. I just wanted to say I'm still doing well, I leave Afghanistan in roughly 2 months. I wish I could come back and visit, but I'm going to be using my vacation time to go to Jamaica. I hope you are all doing well, you really are some of the most amazing people. Now I am stationed in New Mexico, I've been here for 3 years now, I was in Afghanistan for 6 months serving in the Air Force."

Tyler Bronman,
Senior Airmen in the Air Force now stationed in New Mexico
“Before I entered Ocean’s Harbor House I was going through a lot in my own home having to deal with the passing of my mother who died from pancreatic cancer and the ridicule of being transgender. Shortly after my mother’s passing people who were “taking care of me” wanted me gone from the home I grew up in so they decided on my 18th birthday they were going to kick me out. I began living from couch to couch not knowing where I was going to end up. One of my younger aunts took me in and decided to help me become independent however her house was too full and I could not stay there for long. So my aunt and I reached out to perform care who gave me a list to call for help. I was constantly getting hung up on and some places did not answer. Also, there were places that I called I did not trust to go because of who I identify as. However, when we called Ocean’s Harbor House it was a gift from God. I cried and I cried because we had prayed and I got a call accepting me into the program. Ever since I have been here I have been getting a lot of help and encouragement when I needed it the most. The staff has honestly brought me a lot of joy that I thought I would never have again and I am so grateful for everyone here for believing in me and not giving up on me like my family did.”
“Since I have been at Oceans Harbor House, I have gotten a lot of things done that are going to set me up for life. Getting my finances in order to better provide for myself has been my focus. Since I have been in the program, I have managed to gain two jobs after successfully completing my junior year in high school. This was not the typical road I thought I would be on but being here for the majority of school year had its ups and downs. Passing all my classes and attending junior prom were definite highlights of the year. Staff was very helpful and encouraging during this process. Working as much as I can throughout the summer is my focus especially go into my senior year of high school. The program is going to help keep my focus with maintaining my grades, part time work schedule and playing on the hockey team. Of course, help me with time management, saving money, and being more responsible, which definitely wasn’t something that I was able to do or think about before coming here.
When I came to the Transitional Living Program, my mental health was not at all in good shape. Through talking to people, starting to get things done, and having things to look forward to, all with the help of the house (staff), I feel like things have become normal again. So, they were able to get me back to a normal mental state and start really beginning my life as an healthier adult which is what the whole program is about. “
“I would like to take my time to introduce myself. I go by KP. I was brought into Oceans Harbor House in February 2023. It all started off when I was in the shelter. I was extremely nervous and scared when I first was brought into the environment. During the 6 months of me being in the shelter I have gained so much knowledge and comfort from the staff there. It was very hard at first being so far away from family, but I got up and motivated myself to get a job and look at the bigger picture. At the shelter I was taught cooking skills, different ways to handle stress/ anxiety, and basic hygiene needs. I had worked with a counselor that I had become very close with who has helped me extremely.
Later that year in May 2023 1 got accepted into the transitional living program of Ocean's Harbor House, it was a great opportunity for me to focus on myself and what I wanted to gain not only out of the program, but for myself. I have been in STLP for about a year and two months now. My overall experience here has been good. The staff and team of STLP have helped me tremendously, making me feel great about myself. Being here you are able to make connections with different people and relate to experiences you've been through.
Being here has taught me a lot of independence and given me resources on housing, saving, life skills, healthy habits, etc. STLP is a good environment for anyone who is the age of 16-21 looking for independence and resources for living on your own. I want to say thank you to the staff and faculty for assisting me and pushing me to become a better individual.”
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