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Our Story
For 35 years, Ocean’s Harbor House has addressed the needs of runaway and homeless youth, while also providing services to youth and families in crisis. Youth and families come to our programs having endured many types of unsafe or unfortunate experiences, causing them to adopt unhealthy behavior patterns, poor coping skills and ill formed plans for the future. Helping them heal and move forward requires a comprehensive response from many different perspectives. With a multilayered menu of programs for youth alone or together with their families, we provide shelter, support and services that are designed to meet them wherever they are on their journey. Our goal is to help youth and families rewrite their stories while building stronger foundations and bright futures.
Having served over 6,000 homeless, runaway and abandoned youth at our Windsor Avenue location since 1988, as well as over 650 young people in our Transitional Living Program at our Conifer Street location, our experience with running shelters and residential programs runs deep. The agency continues to serve homeless youth through our Transitional Living Program on Conifer Street. A 12-bed facility licensed through the New Jersey Department of Children and Families, we provide evidence-based strategies for successful transition to sustainable living for runaway and homeless youth and young adults in our service area. Through our Life Skills and Case Management programs, we have guided our residents and clients to brighter, more independent futures.
In January of 2024, we opened Ocean’s County’s first ever Code Blue Site for Families in conjunction with Just Believe Inc. This is the first of many community collaborations as we move toward a permanent shelter for families with children.
As a multi service agency, we have achieved so much over the past 35 years.
12,775 days of continuous service
306,600 hours of supervised care
459,900 nutritious meals
70,000 counseling and life skills sessions
Over 6,000 homeless youth served through the Emergency Youth Shelter
Over 600 young adults served through the Transitional Living Program
Over 4,000 youth and families reached through our family crisis programs
The mission of Ocean’s Harbor House is to provide shelter, support, and services for vulnerable youth and families, empowering them to build successful pathways, relationships, and futures. This has been the cornerstone of our work for over 35 years.
All youth and families feel safe, empowered and equipped for successful futures.
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